Post-Doctoral position in Social Psychology in Jena

Applicants are invited to apply for a full time post doctoral position commencing October 1st 2024 at the Department of Social Psychology at the Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany. The department of social psychology is strong in research on intergroup relations, cooperation and conflict within and between social groups, moral emotions, political ideology/ authoritarianism, recognition and reconciliation. Moreover, the department has a new research laboratory, support by student researchers, and an active international network. The work atmosphere at the department has been stimulating and positive.

Successful candidates will have a completed PhD in psychology with a strong focus on social psychology. Moreover, candidates should be able to do research independently and of high scientific quality. Hence, they will be experienced in planning and conducting empirical studies, and the analysis of data. Publications in international peer-reviewed journals will be an asset. Preference will be given to candidates who are experienced in intergroup research. The post-doctoral duties include active participation in teaching and research. Thus, a successful candidate will have the usual teaching load of 4 hours per week (e.g., two seminars). Moreover, successful candidates participate in the conception, preparation, and analysis of empirical studies as well as in the preparation of manuscripts and international presentations of the work.

The position is an up to 6 year position at the department of Social Psychology. Payment will be according the usual rates of public services (TV-L) depending on personal qualifications up to the salary class 13.

For further questions please contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Kessler (03641-945254, or Michael Fiagbenu (03641-945256, People of all genders are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants with disabilities and with equal aptitude and qualification will be favored.

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